Referrals FAX (778) 654-7810
Call us at (778) 737-6378
Burnaby Neurology
Contact Information
Our Clinic Referral document below can be downloaded, completed, and faxed back to us at the Metrotown clinic space. However, we accept all written referrals.
Referrals can also be mailed to Burnaby Neurology at:
Burnaby Hospital
206 - 4885 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC
V5H 4T2 Canada
Tel (778) 737-6378 (778-7DR-NERV)
Fax (778) 654-7810
Referrals direct to Dr. Toth can be performed using a standard letter or the referral form at right, and sent by fax to:
You can reach Dr. Toth at his office:
Fraser Health can be contacted via their website at: